Friday, November 2, 2012

Teaching Tolerance

Multicultural Education 2120

            Personally, I will be using manipulates in my classroom all the time.  I am in a math class that shows us how to teach elementary and middle grades math.  The teacher makes sure we use manipulates every day and I have never been great at math now I understand everything much clearer because of the manipulates. I know I am a kinesthetic learner; I like to use my senses and work with my hands to figure out a problem.  I know when I am teaching these elementary students how to add and subtract integers I am going to use the manipulates for them to understand why they get the answer they do.  I know when I was being taught math my teachers gave us a rule and we memorized it and that is why we did it that way.  With the manipulates the students actually see and understand why the answer is what it is.  The Teaching Tolerance website has a lot of good magazines and books and I did find one teaching kit that I would really like to have in my future classroom.  The kit is called Starting Small and it is “designed for in-service programs, it is a training tool for early grades educators and its guided theme is peace, equity, and justice” (Teaching Tolerance, 1992). 
            In my classroom I want the children to be engaged at all times.  I had teachers who assigned book work just so we looked busy and it was absolutely miserable.  I want my children to want to learn and have fun while they are doing it.  I think this website is a great tool to find run and creative ways to engage my students and keep learning fun. 

Teaching Tolerance.  Southern Poverty Law Center.  1992.

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