Friday, September 14, 2012

Poverty Issues

Multicultural Education 2120


Poverty around the world is always going to be an issue so we as teachers need to find ways to address the issues going on in our classroom without embarrassing a student.  This is one reason why teachers need to really get to know their students on a personal level.  If you know your students you can be on the lookout for signals that may tell you they are having problems outside the classroom. 

Children who are living in poverty face challenges that other kids may not.  Sometimes they do not get enough food at home so when they come to school they are not focused because they are thinking about when they are going to eat.  Other times they may not have nice clothes or have very good hygiene so the other children may pick on them.  One other challenge would be if a student needed extra help in a certain area.  Most of the times they rely on the bus because a parent is working or cannot come pick them up.  This would make it very difficult for that child to come in early or stay late to get the help they needed because they wouldn’t have a way back home. 
            There could be many changes made to help out these children who live in poverty.  One change could be have an after school bus that runs for children who are struggling and have no other way to get home.  Another change that could be made is if the teacher assigns them I project then she could bring in the supplies they need so that way they would not have to go out and buy things. 

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